Our selection and inspiration

Unlike many other players in the gift basket market, we do not have a huge selection.

Rather than just taking in a lot of goods - our focus is on the delights in the box matching each other and having the quality we want. Against this background, it is a very conscious choice to only offer gift boxes of a high standard.

We will always offer a seasonal gift box: Right now it is the Summer box, maybe there will be an Autumn box and later in the year we will throw ourselves into creating the most tasteful Christmas box.

There will of course also be the option to put together a gift box yourself - according to taste and preference.

Inspiration from many sides - also from you!

We get our inspiration for new products primarily through our local network of food and wine geeks, social media, the news and what we hear over the hedge. If we hear about a new, delicious, near-produced product, we are quickly on the spot to see if it is something for us.

A not inconsiderable number of times a year we start the car and head for Europe's strong food and wine destinations. On these trips we meet the producers, hear the stories and taste the products that meet Tastefulness's requirements for taste and quality.

If you have a good tip for a North Zealand delicacy producer who may have gone under our radar, please let us know.

You can, for example, do by sending us a few lines with a name of the manufacturer. Click here (link to the "contact us" form)